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This website and its content have been issued on behalf of Katch Investment Group. The website and its content are intended for discussion purposes only and do not create any legally binding obligations on the part of the Fund. Without limitation, the website and its content do not constitute an offer, an invitation to offer, or a recommendation to enter into any transaction. When making an investment decision, you should rely solely on the final documentation relating to the transaction and not the information contained herein. The transactions and products mentioned herein may not be appropriate for all investors, and before entering into any transaction you should take steps to ensure that you fully understand the transaction, and have made an independent assessment of the appropriateness of the transaction in light of your own objectives and circumstances, including the possible risks and benefits of entering into such a transaction. We recommend that you seek advice from your own tax and legal advisors in making this assessment. The information contained herein is based on material we believe to be reliable. However, we do not represent that it is accurate, current, complete, or error free. The assumptions, estimates, and opinions contained in this website constitute our judgment as of the time this website was last updated and are subject to change without notice. The underlying investments in the Fund consist wholly or substantially of private debt assets; the value of which could be highly volatile and under certain market conditions, investors, seeking to redeem their holdings may experience significant restrictions or delays. Any projections are based on a number of assumptions as to market conditions, and there can be no guarantee that any projected results will be achieved. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. The distribution and availability of our products in certain jurisdictions may be restricted by law. You may not use the information and data contained herein, in whole or in part, without our express written permission.
This website and its content have been issued on behalf of Katch Investment Group. The website and its content are intended for discussion purposes only and do not create any legally binding obligations on the part of the Fund. Without limitation, the website and its content do not constitute an offer, an invitation to offer, or a recommendation to enter into any transaction. When making an investment decision, you should rely solely on the final documentation relating to the transaction and not the information contained herein. The transactions and products mentioned herein may not be appropriate for all investors, and before entering into any transaction you should take steps to ensure that you fully understand the transaction, and have made an independent assessment of the appropriateness of the transaction in light of your own objectives and circumstances, including the possible risks and benefits of entering into such a transaction. We recommend that you seek advice from your own tax and legal advisors in making this assessment. The information contained herein is based on material we believe to be reliable. However, we do not represent that it is accurate, current, complete, or error free. The assumptions, estimates, and opinions contained in this website constitute our judgment as of the time this website was last updated and are subject to change without notice. The underlying investments in the Fund consist wholly or substantially of private debt assets; the value of which could be highly volatile and under certain market conditions, investors, seeking to redeem their holdings may experience significant restrictions or delays. Any projections are based on a number of assumptions as to market conditions, and there can be no guarantee that any projected results will be achieved. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. The distribution and availability of our products in certain jurisdictions may be restricted by law. You may not use the information and data contained herein, in whole or in part, without our express written permission.
Katch Investment Group. All Rights Reserved. United Kingdom.